I Think I’m Turning Japanese, I Really Think So…

A funny thing happened on the way to school today. Something made Dani laugh hysterically and it really wasn’t that funny. Hardly at all. I am sure there are some lunatics out there who would say what I did was ‘racist’. Well it was neither ‘racist’ nor funny but it definitely made him laugh uncontrollably. It was me, pretending to speak Japanese. Just me being a daft dad.

Obviously, I cannot speak Japanese but I did manage to throw a few real words in there. You know, the ones everyone knows like; sake, karate, samurai and – for good measure – the odd Fukushima. Not the funniest thing in the world granted, but it tickled the little fella this morning.

Impressing Clara

Then, just as we neared the school, he said “I am going to talk in Japanese to Clara and she will laugh”.

You could say that this was a great opportunity to give some basic fatherly advice. Or then again just the chance to sit back and let him learn.

“Well, she might laugh mate. But she will probably just think you are being silly.”

In case you didn’t know and haven’t read all the previous posts Clara M is a very popular girl in his class. His three-year old (almost four) dream-girl. His first crush.

Real Advice? Nah. Just go for it.

What I really meant to say was: “Please don’t build your hopes up and end up being disappointed.” But why shouldn’t he play the clown in front of a girl? He should not be afraid of making a fool of himself. In any case who knows? It may just work.

And here’s another thing for sure mate. If you do something as silly in about 15 years’ time you are guaranteed to have an audience of (seemingly) impressed girls. Don’t ask me why but that’s how it goes. When they want to be seen with you they will giggle at even the slightest daftest thing that you say. You’ll see when you are older.

But for now, go in there and try out your new-found language skills. Be sure to tell me about it later so I can have a good laugh.

Then, on my way home, I just couldn’t get that 1980 tune by The Vapors out of my head. Turning Japanese, I think I’m turning Japanese, I really think so….

2 thoughts on “I Think I’m Turning Japanese, I Really Think So…

  1. They’ll call you a Nazionale and get you fired from your job with public pressure nowadays it’s nuts. I heard my son sing something about “build the wall” and I cautioned him not to sing it at school, in case they declare us racist!

    1. Hi Bill. Yes unfortunately I agree with you. The world has gone mad. It has become a balancing act trying to raise my boy to know what is right and wrong when the rest of society seems to be telling him the exact opposite. Ahaaa maybe it’s me that’s wrong??. Nah. Thanks for reading and enjoy reading more blog posts.

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