Coastal Walk – Coogee to Tamarama

There is a famous coastal walk in Sydney that runs from Bondi beach to Coogee beach. Probably further still in each direction but Bondi to Coogee (or Coogee to Bondi) is the one everyone knows and seems to do.

We had already done Bondi beach to Tamarama beach not long after moving over here so today – being a little unsure of the weather – we did the rest of that walk. Coogee beach to Tamarama beach.

Coogee Ocean Pools

Starting at Coogee we first went to the south side of the beach to check out the ocean pools. The most famous of them is the McIver Baths but that is only open to women and children. So I never got to see that one and probably never will. Who cares? There is also one called Wylie’s Baths but that is even further south of the beach – and our intended walk – so that one will have to wait.

There are three around Coogee beach however. Here is the one known as the Ross Jones Rockpool.

Ross Jones Ocean Pool – Coogee Beach

It didn’t look too inviting but there were plenty of people willing to have a go both here and  in the sea.

The Worst Fish and Chips?

It was about lunchtime so before we set off on the walk I thought it would be a good idea to feed Dani. We tried a restaurant but it was full, then we saw this place.

Crap Fish n Chips

A funny joke, play on words of that old delicacy ‘fish and chips’ eh? Well you can take it from me, the food was also a joke. We ordered some ‘Chish n Fips’ and trust me they were the worst I have ever had. Well, that might be a bit too much, as I can’t really remember every fish and chips or bag of chips I have eaten especially after a heavy night out drinking. But these were definitely crap!

Coogee Beach and out…

Disappointed but reasonably full of grease and calories we headed off. The coast in between beaches around these parts is basically made up of steep cliffs. So, a lot of up and down but the  little legs of Dani did quite well. Once we actually go going he never moaned.

Coogee Beach
Coogee Beach from Dolphins Point

At the north end of the beach there is another ocean pool known as Giles Baths. Literally this one is carved into the rocks. Quite interesting perspectives all round too…

Giles Baths Entry
Giles Baths
Giles Baths to Coogee beach view
View North from Giles Baths

Gordons Bay and Clovelly Beach

Up we went, looking over the sheer drops – which Dani loves to do, mainly as it scares his mum half to death – then down to the first inlet. Gordons Bay. This is quite a sheltered narrow inlet hence the waves, so loved by surfers, are not a problem for those who want a leisurely swim. It really is a great spot to swim and there were enough people doing that despite this being the middle of winter.

Gordons Bay
Gordons Bay

Next stop off point is Clovelly Beach. An even narrower inlet, this bay is more like a lake and definitely a safe place to swim. Also popular with kids water polo training. It also has an ocean pool but this one was still closed.

Clovelly Ocean Pool – aka The Geoff James Pool
Clovelly Beach
Clovelly Bay and Ocean Pool

And what about this place for a game of bowls? Overlooking the Pacific Ocean and on the cliff top. This is Clovelly Bowling Club.

Clovelly Bowling Club

Cemetry to Bronte

The next beach is Bronte. But before reaching it you pass by Waverley Cemetery. For a one off payment you can get a place to rest here overlooking the ocean and for a fraction of the cost of the properties we saw. I have seen other cemeteries in Australia built right on the sea front like this but this one is probably the best known. There must be a reason why they did this all those years ago – maybe I will find out later… Apparently a lot of famous Australians are buried here. It’s even got its own website. All I do know is that this place is on prime real estate. The value of this land would be astronomical.

Waverley Cemetery edge
Waverley Cemetery

Bronte and Tamarama

Bronte beach was next. I like this place but it was fairly busy. Some musicians had set up a couple of places to jam together and seemed to have brought all their friends. No social distancing here then… But did anyone seem to care? Nah!

Bronte Beach
Tamarama Beach

Then a short hike further north and we made it to Tamarama. Fair play to Dani, he did well. I reckon it must have been 4km or more with all the minor detours we took. But that was enough. Bus and home – via a cake shop…


2 thoughts on “Coastal Walk – Coogee to Tamarama

    1. Thanks Maria, glad you enjoyed it. There are many more similar posts about places in Australia and Spain. You may like the one about Sad Hill cemetery, specially made for the film ‘The Good The Bad and The Ugly’ – one of my favourites. Search for “Sad Hill” and you should find it. Also feel free to share anything you like with your friends and relatives.

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